KWE at Home: Card Prediction

  1. Encourage participants to share their current emotional state, either by asking how they are feeling or encouraging the use of metaphor. For instance, ask “what is your internal weather forecast?
  2. Plan/Preview:
    •  Grab a deck of cards. If playing virtually, either grab a second camera so you can flip cards on your table top or visit and share that screen with the participants. 
    • Check that participants are familiar with the types of cards in a deck (four suits, numbers 2-10, Jack, Queen, King & Ace).
  3. Do:
    • Explain that each person should predict in turn what the next card in the deck is not. (“The next card is not an ___”) If they are correct (they do not name the card that’s flipped), then the game continues. If they do name the card (value) that is flipped, the round ends.
    • Set a realistic goal for the group (make it once around the circle) or ask the group to set a goal.
    • Consider allowing participants to “pass”
ASL Sign for “Same”
Share this gesture with participants to allow them to signal agreement without speaking aloud.
  1. Reflect: 
    • Ask each participant to share one word describing how they felt when it was their turn (or consider using mentimeter or other online polling system to collect the responses.) 
    • Ask all participants who felt a particular emotion to raise their hands or do the “same” gesture. 
    • Ask for a volunteer to share what their body felt like (hot, tight, tired, etc) when they felt the emotion.
    •  Ask about the consequence of making a mistake. Did the emotion feel bigger than the consequence? 
    • Consider talking about empathy or growth mindset if the discussion heads that way.
  2. Apply:
    • Encourage participants to journal or share with the large group about a time in their life when they have had a strong emotion and how they got through it.  Consider sharing some coping or mindfulness strategies.
  3. Extend: This activity can be re-framed as a consensus building activity. Instead of asking for individual responses in turn, challenge the group to agree on what the next card is not. For a different challenge, ask participants whether the next card is higher or lower.